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New West Inn Hotel Amsterdam
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How to reach the New West Inn by public transport

From Schiphol Airport

You can take bus 369, direction Station Sloterdijk, to stop ‘Osdorpplein Oost’. At this stop you need to transfer to bus 63, direction of Osdorp de Aker and leave the bus at stop ‘Reimerswaalstraat’. From there it is a 1-minute walk to the hotel. It is also possible to stay on bus 369 and exit at bus stop 'Ookmeerweg'. From this stop it is a 14-minute walk to the hotel. The bus ticket is only €3,20 (please note, cash is not accepted in public transportation).

From Station Lelylaan

From Station Lelylaan you can take tram number 17 in the direction of Osdorp Dijkgraafplein. You have to get off after approximately 10 minutes at stop Hoekenes. When you got off the tram, walk a bit further and go to the right at the foot path next to the water. The foot path first branches off to left and then to the right. You continue to follow the foot path over a small bridge. After that you cross a large street (Osdorper Ban) and then you walk into the Reimerswaalstraat. New West Inn is a bit further on the right side.

From Central Station

From Amsterdam Central Station you can take tram number 17 in the direction of Osdorp Dijkgraafplein. You have to get off after about half an hour at stop Hoekenes. When you got off the tram, follow the same directions as given at ‘Station Lelylaan’ to walk to New West Inn.

How to reach New West Inn by car

All directions

Follow the ring way A10 West. Take exit S106 Osdorp and follow the direction Osdorp. At the end of the road, go to the right on ‘Meer en Vaart’. At the third traffic light, go to the left on Osdorper Ban. When you see a church on your right side, you have to go to the right. This is the Reimerswaalstraat. You will find New West Inn in this street at the right side. You can park at this public parking with plenty of space, but take your valuables out of your car just to be safe. Till 7-4-2024 parking is free of charge. From the 8th of April guests need to pay for the public parking at hotel New West Inn (mo-sa 9:00-19:00 €1,60/hour)